Thursday, 7 July 2011

Free spirit, i am

I have been accused of possible insanity. What? (breathless) I have no words, from where come these completely baseless accusations? I deny all charges and accounts of such. (whispers, they may have a point). It is not madness to be good looking, what spoilt it for me is the fact that I happen to be aware of this fact.

I often say I'm awesome. I am. With no limits. Though I state such truths,( haha, I can’t believe myself sometimes) I cannot do so without acknowledging the people in my life who are awesome in ways that evolve and multiply every day. After all, birds of a feather do stick together.

I have the kindest and best friends ever. I am moved on several occasions by their generosity. Life is beautiful, my friends, infinitely so. I have witnessed such goodness, such selflessness and happiness that I often think, I can die now, I’m not sure they can top that then they do. Some I speak to regularly, but with others, we go through periods of time before we speak again. I could list these unique and extraordinary people but I could be here all day and I have things to do (of dubious importance).

I have a family that is more supportive than the foundation of the tallest building ever. I have brothers who give new meaning to the word brotherhood. Their understanding and generosity is unfathomable. I have uncles and aunts gifted with great humour and wisdom. I have cousins who I love in more ways than I can articulate in a three page essay. Plus I have the best parents, without my father and his constant attention to my expression in the English language, I would be nowhere. I would speak about my mother but since I will not be able to say enough I limit myself to saying that though I am well versed with vocabulary, I have not yet found a way to sufficiently encompass her greatness, her generosity and understanding in a way worthy of her.

One more thing that definitely assures me of reeking pure awesomeness (apart from the startling good looks) is the fact that I am just like everybody else. I know, shock eh? You should have seen me upon this discovery. I was born and will die just like every individual human who has ever and who will ever exist. That is a rather unifying thought. Therefore, everyone is as awesome as me. Some just have not seen it yet and I hope they do. The way I see it, life is too beautiful not to take the time to enjoy it, despite the challenges and difficulties.

I am simply a free spirit. I love life, people and have some rather exhilarating experiences. I am brave and strong. I indulge in different experiences and participate in opportune situations such that I am a sum of my past in my present though that limits not my future or my goals. I am assured of being awesome on a daily basis because as I look around and see the greatness in the people in my life, people I meet, I am reminded that I am not alone. Though I am that awesome, I am human. smiles.


  1. Conceited with a hint of soppy. lol. Good expression though. Now where are the ones about other things? I don't want to mentally throw in "no homo" after every sentence I read.

  2. Yes,you do have a way with words:-)


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