Friday, 28 October 2011


I tried to read this, really, i did, didn't teach me much, i could ask to get my money back...

High school was hellish for me. I was small, infamous for my big mouth and I found women baffling and intricately complex.  I had a friend, let's call him HOrace for the sake of this story ha. He seemed to know what made them tick. How? I wondered, how in his not so lengthy existence had he solved this puzzle known as girls? I could not bring myself to ask him what he did. I often tried to eavesdrop on his conversations to learn his secrets (not proud of this but what could I do) to no avail. His conversations did not have the key words or magic I envisioned. He did not pull out a pocket watch and hypnotize his er... Victims. It simply did not add up. Plus, the young man got some. Lots off it, in fact, the tail seemed to chase him. Sure there were other guys who got lucky periodically but HOrace was on a level of his own. I gave up on understanding women then and focused on video games. At least they made sense.

haha, I asked this question waay too often.

HOrace is still a good friend of mine. Great man. Still doing his thing (no surprises there,haha), but I now have a clearer understanding of what was happening hence my post. I will attempt to answer the questions below to define clearer what I speak of and what my good friend had in abundance before I could even look a girl in the eye.

What is this fabled and mysterious power?
What does it involve? How can I obtain it ( is it a sword set in stone kind of thing or can one get it off a supermarket shelf)

Game. It is everything yet nothing (haha, I'm shamelessly attempting to sound wise and all). It is everything you do and everything you are. It can also be defined by what you do not do. Complex eh? Not really, stay with me. Swag, moves like Jagger, usain bolts confident aura, mario balotelli's arrogant attitude, Barrack Obama's eloquent speeches, Alejandro's walk, khal drogo's warrior ways (for dee) e.t.c.

I say, hats off to his presentation and composure.

All of them have lots of game. Game is simply how you dress, how you walk, how you talk and who you are. Hence the everything and nothing statement. It's the way the world perceives you and at the same time it  is how you see yourself. Therefore you are born with it. Oh, by the way this goes for guys and for girls.

How do I know if I have it? Does it have custodians who hid it in some temple of doom or something?
Why the heavens is it so powerful?

My great friend HOrace had seen the insides of a gym for a considerable amount of time while we were still in high school. In fact, he was the reason most of us would use silly excuses like the weather forecast on the days that we were having swimming lessons. Oddly, it isn't even what this game is about. I even dare to reference the sexy and I know it song by LMFAO here. That lead singer looks like he would face great difficulty if requested to do a push up. But believe me, he got game.

Why is it so powerful? Well, I have a theory on that though I must ask that you please do not quote me in your term papers. The mating game has rules and all, no? Ok then, the force of attraction/pure lust that we often feel is simply our bodies telling us that we have found a viable option with whom fireworks can happen. I theorize that after years of evolution, instead of bright feathers and mating calls, humans now have the force of attraction rather than the mating rituals animals have. On an individual level, it boils down to game, the source of all attraction. Game recognize game.

In my experience, there are two types of game. I will expand on this in my next post. oh, wait, one last question,

Yup, i mean it.

Thanks for reading. Have a good one :-)

photos from google


  1. first of all, alehandro?? REALLY?? then khal drogo who i admit was cool....until he died a HORSE'S death!!! ad rather not be associated with these two if i were you.
    Second, I hear you about game and how game has become important. I shall now speak on behalf of the gender that is usually the recipient of game.
    (a) game is really overrated. am serious.
    (b) whats the point of having all the game in the world and you're flaky or a cheat or not a gentleman or you dont know where Venezuela is on the world map? Lemme explain, game has this tendency of raising points for a dude so that my expectations are HIGH but you have to be consistent with those standards. One slip-up, you're done. I could be feeling ur vybe like crazy then you litter....THAZZIT. GO HOME.

    Third and most importantly, great read, kama kawaida. You do no disappoint.

  2. Game goes both ways, even chicks got game. Its different from guys but its there. Overrated? how now? Then, i believe honesty is the peak of uh gamular development. So i agree, lies suck.


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