Friday, 28 October 2011


I tried to read this, really, i did, didn't teach me much, i could ask to get my money back...

High school was hellish for me. I was small, infamous for my big mouth and I found women baffling and intricately complex.  I had a friend, let's call him HOrace for the sake of this story ha. He seemed to know what made them tick. How? I wondered, how in his not so lengthy existence had he solved this puzzle known as girls? I could not bring myself to ask him what he did. I often tried to eavesdrop on his conversations to learn his secrets (not proud of this but what could I do) to no avail. His conversations did not have the key words or magic I envisioned. He did not pull out a pocket watch and hypnotize his er... Victims. It simply did not add up. Plus, the young man got some. Lots off it, in fact, the tail seemed to chase him. Sure there were other guys who got lucky periodically but HOrace was on a level of his own. I gave up on understanding women then and focused on video games. At least they made sense.

haha, I asked this question waay too often.

HOrace is still a good friend of mine. Great man. Still doing his thing (no surprises there,haha), but I now have a clearer understanding of what was happening hence my post. I will attempt to answer the questions below to define clearer what I speak of and what my good friend had in abundance before I could even look a girl in the eye.

What is this fabled and mysterious power?
What does it involve? How can I obtain it ( is it a sword set in stone kind of thing or can one get it off a supermarket shelf)

Game. It is everything yet nothing (haha, I'm shamelessly attempting to sound wise and all). It is everything you do and everything you are. It can also be defined by what you do not do. Complex eh? Not really, stay with me. Swag, moves like Jagger, usain bolts confident aura, mario balotelli's arrogant attitude, Barrack Obama's eloquent speeches, Alejandro's walk, khal drogo's warrior ways (for dee) e.t.c.

I say, hats off to his presentation and composure.

All of them have lots of game. Game is simply how you dress, how you walk, how you talk and who you are. Hence the everything and nothing statement. It's the way the world perceives you and at the same time it  is how you see yourself. Therefore you are born with it. Oh, by the way this goes for guys and for girls.

How do I know if I have it? Does it have custodians who hid it in some temple of doom or something?
Why the heavens is it so powerful?

My great friend HOrace had seen the insides of a gym for a considerable amount of time while we were still in high school. In fact, he was the reason most of us would use silly excuses like the weather forecast on the days that we were having swimming lessons. Oddly, it isn't even what this game is about. I even dare to reference the sexy and I know it song by LMFAO here. That lead singer looks like he would face great difficulty if requested to do a push up. But believe me, he got game.

Why is it so powerful? Well, I have a theory on that though I must ask that you please do not quote me in your term papers. The mating game has rules and all, no? Ok then, the force of attraction/pure lust that we often feel is simply our bodies telling us that we have found a viable option with whom fireworks can happen. I theorize that after years of evolution, instead of bright feathers and mating calls, humans now have the force of attraction rather than the mating rituals animals have. On an individual level, it boils down to game, the source of all attraction. Game recognize game.

In my experience, there are two types of game. I will expand on this in my next post. oh, wait, one last question,

Yup, i mean it.

Thanks for reading. Have a good one :-)

photos from google

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

99 problems

I tried so hard to wait until Friday to publish this post but of late I have been writing quite a bit so I will just post them one by one. Anyway, here goes.

Could this be true?? hmm i wonder...

Like the song with this posts title, I have issues I face periodically but girls have never been one. While at the gym today, some of the regulars started a conversation about women and the problems they represent and how men's behavior changes around them. I chuckled so hard that I almost dropped the baby weights I was attempting to look macho with. I even contributed a couple of lines while trying to keep them talking because I found their views rather amusing.

Firstly, it is amazing how strong and fairly good-looking men in my gym lose composure whenever a girl or lady walks in. It has nothing to do with how attractive she is. Most times, they just want to be noticed. I have  seen a man attempt to lift a weight far beyond his capabilities, with veins bulging from his arms and face with such sheer will that his eyes seem to want to leave their sockets to help. Then with each greatly labored lift he heaves so loud that no one at all in the gym can ignore it, with the simple hope of catching a girls attention. What stands out most for me is that he is not alone, spread out in the gym, men who usually bear their burdens in silence suddenly find their voices and the resulting cacophony of men trying to make the loudest noise leaves me shaking my head, quite amused for few, if any girls ever face them. They just finish up and leave.

This guy deserves some sort of prize, i mean, really?

Then my fellow fitness enthusiasts discussed (after the girl walked out, with calm voices no doubt) how men are weak. They went to the extent of quoting that only one or two men in the bible were able to resist a lady's charms. At this point, I put down my sissy weights as I found this too amusing for me to concentrate. They spoke with such passion, each sharing a story in which a "friend" was approached by another friends girlfriend and how it ended as the girl desired. They were resolute.

Haha how silly

Then the conversation shifted to how everything that men do is for a girl, somewhere whether it is a daughter, a girlfriend, a wife, a mother, a sister or even a girl who has potential. They complained briefly about how ridiculous and unfair the situation was, one gym instructor even saying that girls all over are just growing fat while he keeps in shape but eventually, they all admitted, girls are the root of many problems, regardless of the fact that men simply cannot live without them.  One individual even said that most people were in the gym because of a girl somewhere to which almost everyone brushed off saying that they are only there for their personal fitness. When asked one by one though, most of the men in the gym could not back up their claims of not being there because of a girl. I was impressed somehow, I was glad to see that the gym was not full of muscle heads but that the men I was with are actually very smart.

As a final demonstration of how much control women have over men, one gym instructor walked over to a window then wolf whistled and said aloud how pretty a girl he saw walking past is. Weights were dropped unceremoniously as men rushed to the window hurdling machines and weights hoping to get a glimpse of her before she passes from view as they jostled for space and a better view at the window. I doubt the girl even noticed the faces ogling at her as she walked past.

I found this rather interesting. Women really, really baffle men. They try oh so hard to do the right thing but they just seem to get momentary breakthroughs then they are back to the same old. I'm not even sure how to end this post, I'm just glad I'm me.
photos from google

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Driving stick shift...

Let me share a little from a conversation that I had some time ago. Once, in the course of conversation with my main advisers of a different time, the subject of how to get laid came up. As I remember now, men really do say some crazy things, (shakes head and chuckles). Anyway, one of our most respected consultants spoke up and professed how he had bought new cologne that drove women wild and we all leaned forward and listened attentively, each eager to discover this well kept secret that had eluded us for the better part of our lives. Each of us willing to be instantly transformed and propelled to the fame and glory we all knew we deserved, ha. He said he bought very irresistible by Givenchy and in the week that he had worn it, he got laid twice. He spoke some nonsense about how the perfume had pheromones that attracted women without you having to lift a finger and in our minds there was scientific proof backing this so we were convinced we had solved the puzzle, you should have seen the grins on our faces ha.

misleading adverts will be the end of me haha

After the conversation, our minds were blown. Twice? Really? That was two times more than some of us haha. I remember immediately dispatching my mum who travels often to purchase the magic stuff rubbing my palms in evil anticipation of the havoc I was sure I would wreak upon my university. I envisioned a trail broken hearts, with women clinging to my leg as I walked away showing absolutely no interest. I believed that this was the final piece of my puzzle that I would combine with my other crafted techniques to finally capture the mind and heart of at least one pretty victim. Needless to say, my efforts were a fart in the wind as women did not swoon in my presence nor make offers of uh... Lovemaking as I anticipated. Neither did I overcome my persistent fear of women. Point is, most men are clueless about how women function.

Haha, how true

Of things that get under my skin, one of the major issues is girls who metaphorically have difficulties with driving (pardon the pun) stick shift.  We more often hear about men who have no idea what to do once the lights are turned down low because women voice their opinions more but we never hear about upstanding men with sore issues that need addressing. (ahem)

It is obvious then that we are not born with biological manuals of out significant others thus it behoves us to make efforts to find out things about each other that we like. Otherwise a periodic result is bruises in unmentionable places, soiled relationships and unpleasant experiences.

I have heard such horror stories and experienced one or two of my own. Given our greatly differing anatomies, sometimes pressure has been put in the wrong place and at the wrong, uh, speed and the end result has been lack of appreciation for the effort. In fact, it is even possible for the man to break his gear stick while driving and take ages to heal thereafter. A rather serious matter if I do say so myself that gives men chills to think about.

 So i hear, i have no information on the subject

In my view, these are two sides of the same coin. There are similar complaints on both sides of the gender divide and there is only one way that gap can be bridged. Honest communication. The moment that a man changes his view of lovemaking from seeing his female partner as a victim of his driving to a willing participant then the whole experience becomes better almost instantly. It is true that most men have an interesting approach to driving. They sometimes see women like cars, a vehicle (not literally, obviously) to get from where they are to their happy place, aha. They sometimes forget that girls also have a desired destination and are not cars but fellow travelers. This I believe is one of the main causes as to why girls sometimes withhold the privilege of driving and prefer to wait for a qualified driver.

All in all, no matter what or how you drive, you still control your own individual action therefore asking for directions every once in a while can seem embarrassing but, wouldn't you rather be able to drive for real rather than fumble about in the dark?
Have a good one people

pictures from google

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