Friday, 9 September 2011

The downside of civilization

I'm frustrated. So frustrated am I that I sometimes growl unexpectedly as I ride home using public transport thus soliciting curious looks but I know I'm just expressing what we all know. I watch television and sometimes I see the life I think I want. That life simultaneously seems so far away that sometimes I wonder if it is still worth pursuing it as a dream. 

 well, maybe not that much.

Thus I live in this ever changing world of ours in which anything is increasingly more possible ranging from acts of stupidity making people famous online overnight and careers that baffle the previous generation (mixologist - bartender in the old days). But somehow, my parent and family believe I should get a good job with steady pay and benefits regardless of whether I enjoy it or not and somewhere in there comes a speech about getting more papers (I don't like school much, yes it's personal)... yada yada yada. What about my needs? *sniffs* am I not allowed to be carefree and rebellious? Can't I go live on some deserted unclaimed island and live off the fish? Basking in the sun and sleeping under a gorgeous moon? Can't I kidnap an attractive (hmmm I wonder where Megan fox is) willing victim with chloroform and explain to her when she wakes that we are desolate survivors of a horrible shipwreck doomed to start our own native tribe of fierce but good-looking modern warriors? Sigh.

I want to do something outrageously fun for a living like a bungee jump course rate expert, sex toy consultant or a video game player assistant and get ridiculous endorsements from companies that supply me with merchandise ranging from a life-long pizza supply to fancy cars just because I look good in them. I keep hoping to stumble upon a wishing well soo deep that my descendants sneeze pixie dust or that I come across a lamp with an uber hot female genie willing to fulfill my uh... Wishes. Yeah. (minds outta the gutter, I don't like my house overpopulated).

Totally my career path, pure adrenalin.

To console myself I often blame 'the man' for not being born with a silver spade in my mouth or into royalty cause I clearly have the looks for it. So I think 'the man' can stick it somewhere where  the sun’s rays should not ideally shine. ( I'm not even sure who this man is but I'm pretty carried away at this point). As I write all this I realize I basically just want to be paid for being me then I realize, I already am. I am payed in time. What I choose to do with it is up to me. I'm having fun being me. I suggest you do the same.

Have a great weekend.

pictures from google

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