I had
brilliantly written this post before with such flow and wisdom that I doubted
my input in the piece then I forgot to back it up and, well, computers. Clearly
I rewrote it hoping some of the wisdom would percolate from the dimension I
lost it too. Anyway, here goes.
are awesome. I love them, and as a straight man I dare say I love them way more
than men, obviously, but please, allow me explain myself. Girls naturally
figure out many things light years ahead of boys. It's just the way nature
intended it to be. Intuition, reading body language and maturing faster than
boys are just some of the indicators of their clear merits. I love being a man,
I would have it no other way; being a man has helped me appreciate girls even
When I was a young teen, I remember the lesson in which the teacher was
explaining some basic biological differences between us. I was at the age when
I started noticing the not-so-flat contours on girl's clothes and I would feel
my chest tighten when a pretty girl walked past (accompanied by an embarrassing
stir in my loins). The teacher was speaking about how at that age, girls grow
faster than boys and certain changes take place. This was an age where
testosterone was kicking in and as boys, we wanted to compete with anything for
whatever flimsy reason we could, at times, no reason was even required. We
competed in terms of speed (touching a girls bum then sprinting away at the
speed of light), bravery (touching the same girls bum when she is with her
herd...uh I mean friends) and meaningless stupidity (asking the girl for her
phone number soon after, haha).
the in-built drive to prove that we were the superior gender (not much evidence
supporting this), there were verbal protests at the seemingly ridiculous
statement that girls grow faster from some of my classmates at the time (I was
quiet as I was a very late developer, read short stuff). At some point, the
boys were asked to leave the class because it was time for girl talk. In my
mind I knew they were being told the secrets of how to rule the world and I
willed myself to momentarily change so I could mingle with them and learn these
secrets for myself (to conquer the tri state area muhaha, cough cough ok, I
give). Little did I know, I was right, thats exactly what was going on.
some point in a girl’s life, she will have a talk with an older aunt, a sister,
a mother or sometimes in rare occasions a fatherly figure. This talk is about
the monthly periods leaning towards caution when relating to boys, pregnancy
and the clear difference in the life changes taking place. This was the talk
that they were having. I had watched a couple of videos back then about how sex
was bad and how it would either cause you to explode unexpectedly or make you
lose your mind to endless lust and I was frightened into maintaining my
virginity way past the legal age of consent. In all honesty though, I wasn't
ready but right there lies the fundamental reason why I have so much love and
respect for girls/women. Nature has it such that from the moment a girl has her
period, she is able to be a mother, not just physically but her whole mindset
changes and her behavior too. I have met girls with children who do a lot more
with their time and energy than other people. I was always against the saying
that a man should marry a girl who is half his age plus seven. A formula my dad
mentioned once to which I scoffed at thinking, there is no way between my
earlobes that a same age 'thing' cannot work for me. I knew I was the Clark
kent of relationships after all (still working on that, so much kryptonite
The ability to carry a fertilized egg and to
deliver it as a fully formed human being, an action with its fair amount of
miraculous flair gives women power in terms of who they procreate with and
when. Scientists tell us that some of the things that we find attractive in
each other are the hard wired defaults that point out viable mates for us. This
means that after several generations and including the fact that we are
sentient beings, rather than responding to enlarged body parts, flashy colors
or bottom wagging, we just like what we do when our brains detect similar
wavelengths... Oh wait :-). Thus even in a relationship, to some extent the
woman lets the man do many things (some to and with her). Given men's liking of
sex and women's ability to withhold it, many clueless men are at their mercy.
elected presidents are married. Naturally, it is a relationship like any other
thus the woman has control over many decisions though it is not always
apparent. Most wise leaders know that their wives always see things from a
different perspective in a very helpful way and rely on them heavily for
support and some amount of guidance. Great things are always accomplished in
teams. Sometimes, a team starts with two. Without women, we are nothing as men.
They are us.
a good one people.