Friday, 18 November 2011

The friend Zone *shudders*

I was watching an episode of the xfactor the other day and I saw something that made me stifle my laughter lest I am considered mean. A young man and a lady were up on stage and were about to sing a duo. The young man was enthusiastic, young and full of energy. He was a nice guy, I dare say now that I think about it that I think he was more talented but at the time, its not what I noticed. The judges clearly have this thing they do in which they ask a few questions to try and know the performers better so they asked. The guy was rather close to the girl and I noticed from his body language that he must like the girl because I could have sworn that she was not his sister. The female judge picked up on this and immediately asked them if they were dating. I laughed out loud involuntarily as the guy blushed shamelessly, almost hiding behind the girl completely. Embarrassingly though, the girl was unmoved, she just stared at the judges and calmly said no, they were not. Oh the pain in his eyes haha, sorry I'm a bit of a yobbo sometimes. I felt a mix of sympathy and evil glee for I have been there a couple of times myself though in my defense, it was not on public television and I was not singing.

Quite accurate, wouldn't you say?

 Hence my post, the friendship lagoon (according to my genius friend Andrew) which is described as the friend zone, best friends and all manner of deluding adjectives. Such a sad place this is, haha, for the victim that is. Depending on the nature and different dynamics of the situation, I usually feel either a degree of empathy or it amuses me more than it probably should. 

 How does this situation arise??
Well, it usually starts with one party in the situation being attracted to the other whereas the recipient party shares not the same attraction. It goes both ways though it is by far more common to find a guy who is inexorably attracted to a girl who does not feel the same.

The sting of this situation usually occurs at some point when the person who is attracted gets courage to confess their feelings to the recipient and usually get rebuffed with a resounding statement like we are just friends or you are like a brother/sister to me. Hahaha. At this moment, I have no sympathy for I know how many times I have said this, ahem. Forgive my cockiness, I will resume speaking sense.

 Ha, some things are just what they are

Is there a solution in sight for the lovestruck?
I fear not. Science is yet to come up with a spray that will instantly create attraction where there was none and if they do, I hope they never say. In Kenya, I have seen posters on lamp posts and other less than reputable places with notices that claim that they can solve your love problems, love potions and what not. HAha, what fool nonsense. If it works, if someone can give me proof of actual results, I will willingly consume a bowl of grass to symbolize eating my words. I sense that all the grass in Kenya is safe now.

What then is the way forward for the hopeless, is there a champion who will show them the way?
I would love at this point to take credit and take this burden upon myself and free the nerds… uh I mean the lovestruck everywhere so they may have wonderful fulfilling relationships but, its not up to me. In all honesty, the only person who can ever solve this is usually already in it. Just be yourself, if they like it, kudos and all the best, if they don’t, move on.

That’s my weekly dose of genius,
Have a great great weekend, be good to your friends, haha 

ps I could not believe that there is a whole site dedicated to this. Haha, I'm conflictingly amused and baffled by this phenomenon.

This is my Cool song this week

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Pick up artist vs casanova (game part 2)

Feel free to read the first part of this post click here

Ok then. Grrrr…. I hate it aaaahhh. It sucks so bad and I feel like my hands are tied. I hate it when I meet my ex and she is looking like a million shillings I never spent, oh the frustration. Ok, ok I'm done. But ahhh, why cant she just look bad eh? Am I asking for too much? Really? I think not. Surely, it must go against some rule written somewhere reputable apart from the blogosphere. Sigh. Its beyond my considerable powers.

HAha this picture was just too awesome

Not too long ago, I was going through my friends hard disk gathering series to watch and I came across a folder with an interesting name. The pick up artist. Interesting, I thought. So I asked him what it was about. One of my friends proclivities with regard to entertainment involved videos of the hot and steamy nature and I did not wish to sully my young virgin eyes ha. He told me it was safe so I added it to my selection.

  Yup, thats them

I watched the show a little while later and found it quite interesting. It was actually about what the title was. Picking up girls. No, not like napkins from the floor but starting engaging conversations that give uh options. The show was about some clueless men who were being shown the ropes. At the end of the episode, predictably, the man who performed the weeks challenge poorest went home. I learnt a thing or two myself, I admit.

well, i imagine it goes something like this

Thus the post, the two types of game. The pick up artist and the casanova. The pick up artist is a specialist in one night stands, friends with benefits and generally the practice of getting some. They usually have uh options on speed dial and usually have some theory or solution for their emotions.

The other type of game is the Casanova. They are usually masters of emotion. Kings of context, know what to say it and when. They are charming, warm and for the time in which they give you attention, you feel over the moon. Neither type of game has more importance than the other. In fact, I would say they balance each other.

Im sorry, that look is just priceless haha

The pick up artist is a genius at first encounters, first dates (if any) and quick exits. The Casanova is more emotionally vested, they charm, romance and almost have a physical hold on the person. The pick up artist can get the girl but the Casanova can keep her for as long as they want.

The pick up artist lives the way they do because they either do not have time for relationships, they only want the physical uh benefits or even fear commitment. They have their appeal. The Casanova is a master of relationships but not as good at picking them up. Sure, they may have more than one person at a time but they tend to focus more on quality than quantity.

I had such wisdom to share with regard to this then I lost the file that I typed it in. Quite frustrating I say. Thus instead I will write about my week. This week, I had my first photo shoot. Test shoot actually with a young talented photographer and it was my first time. I imagined it would be easy cause, well, its me. It wasn't. I was nervous, just a bit, enough for it not to be too obvious.
 No, it was nothing like that though :-)

Have a great weekend peoples

pictures from google

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